Graduation Requirements


Graduation Requirements

A diploma is granted to a student:

  1. Who has been in attendance for at least the full final semester of the school year immediately prior to graduation.

  2. Whose conduct and attendance have been satisfactory.

  3. Who has demonstrated ninth grade competency in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, and Language.

  4. Who has a zero balance on his or her school account.

  5. Who has completed the General Diploma Requirements (below) in a satisfactory manner.


General Diploma Requirements

  • Religion40 semester periods — 10 semester periods each year.

  • Social Studies30 semester periods — 10 semester periods of World History, 10 semester periods of U.S. History, 5 semester periods of U.S. Government, and 5 semester periods of Economics.

  • Language Arts40 semester periods (English I, English II, English III, English IV or AP English Literature)

  • Mathematics20 semester periods (PreAlgebra or higher).

  • Science20 semester periods — 10 must be a physical science and 10 must be a biological science.

  • Computer Applications5 semester periods.

  • Health — 5 semester periods.

  • Fine Arts 5 semester periods.

  • Physical Education30 semester periods – three years are required. Students take PE during ninth and tenth grades and then either eleventh or twelfth grade.

  • Work Experience5 semester periods with a minimum of 2.5 semester periods while at MBA (100 hours required for any student with a Social Security number).

  • ElectivesAs needed to reach the total of 240 semester periods minimum.

  • Community Service25 clock hours per year.